
Chairman's Update

Posted on: July 1, 2016
Tags: Chairmans Update

It's an exciting time to be a Republican.

With less than a month until the National Republican Convention is held in Cleveland, the excitement about the 2016 Presidential Election is at an all-time high. I have met with countless Republicans from all over Warren County. All of us know that this is a pivotal year for our party and our Country. We also understand that the values of the GOP are the principles of Warren County.

As our attention is drawn to the excitement of Cleveland, let's remember the steadfast principles we all support. We are conservative. We believe in limited and fiscally responsible government. We support individual liberty and want to limit government intrusion. We honor and protect life. We believe in traditional marriage. And, we believe that God is the foundation of America's exceptionalism.

As Chairman of our Party, I will never give up on these principles. We should never vote against our conscience. And, we should stand firm on what we believe.


It's a busy time.

We've been holding regular meetings to try to get ready for the upcoming election season, and I have attended several Republican club meetings throughout the county. Most recently, we held a training session for our existing precinct captains. This training provided an opportunity for our Central Committee Members to have a conversation about the tools available to help them get out the vote this fall. We also recently celebrated at our Lincoln-Reagan Day dinner and had a phenomenal evening focused on the importance of the 2016 Presidential Elections.

The new Executive Board is already hard at work creating a new website, working on securing a headquarters space, and encouraging volunteer efforts. Good things are happening and we look forward to letting you know more about these efforts in the coming weeks.